Mortgage for Manufactured Homes

Manufactured Home Guidelines

A manufactured home is a prefabricated dwelling, factory built and transported to the site in sections. A manufactured home differs in from a modular home in that it has a steel beam frame, to which transportation wheels have been attached, as well as the hitch with which to tow it. A manufactured home will typically be eligible as long it has been affixed to a permanent foundation, all utilities are connected, and the tow bar and axles have been removed. 

This will be evidenced in the appraisal report and must also be insured as an Single Family Residence on the title report.

Loan Guidelines

Loan Amounts

Minimum of $100,000

Credit Score

Minimum score typically required is 600

Downpayments for Purchase loans

Contact us to discuss how much you need to put as a down payment or how much equity you need to refiance.

Other terms

Lets discuss typical loan terms, the fees involved and interest rates.

Rural properties

Rural properties are typically not eligible

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